Forest Genetics And Tree Improvement Division
Engaged in the development of micro and macro propagation protocols for important tree species, bamboos and medicinal plants. The division is doing improvement work on oil-yielding trees such as Derris indica, Madhuca latifolia and Jatropha curcas. Variability/ productivity and growth dynamics studies in relation to soil properties in bamboo species of Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal are underway. Assessment of Genotype X Environment Interactions in E. Tereticornis and E. camaldulensis is also being done.
Mandate :-
- Exploration and ex-situ conservation of forest genetic resources.
- Recovery of endangered species through biotechnological interventions.
- Investigation on genetic variability of traits of economic importance of forest species.
- Genetic improvement for enhancement of productivity and quality of forest species.
- Development of mass propagation techniques for superior/ elite materials and their clonal evaluation.
Thrust area IV- Forest Genetic Resource Management and Tree Improvement
- Collection, conservation and evaluation of Melia dubia germplasm from North Bengal, Odisha Hills and other parts of India for identification and release of superior clones. – PI- Sh. Aditya Kumar Scientist-C, 5 yrs (2013-18)
- Genetic evaluation and improvement of Flemingia semialata and Flemingia macrophylla used for lac cultivation in Jharkhand. – PI- Sh. Aditya Kumar Scientist-C, 3 yrs (2016-19)
The Division Team:
Shri. Aditya Kumar , Scientist-E (Head)Dr. Animesh Sinha , Scientist-FShri.D.N.Pandey, Assistant Chief Technical Officer Shri.Sanjeev Kumar, Technical Officer (Jadua) Shri. K.S.Munda, Technical Assistant Shri.H.S. Vidyarthi, Senior Technician (Jadua) |
For further details please contact:
Dr. Aditya Kumar, Scientist E & Head
Forest Genetics And Breeding Division,
Institute of Forest Productivity,
NH23, Gumla Road, Lalgutwa, Ranchi.
Phone: +91-651-2526146(O) 9431564462 (M)