Silviculture & Forest Management Division

Introduction: Silviculture and Forest Management Division

Division conducts research on the dynamics of tree growth for enhanced productivity in important forestry species of the region. The Division has developed modern nursery practices and macropropagation Protocols for a number of forestry and medicinal plant species. Molecular marker based studies are carried out for assessment of genetic diversity of oil-yielding trees and bamboos. The Division regularly Imparts training and education in various aspects of plant molecular biology, tree physiology and biochemistry, modern nursery techniques, medicinal plant cultivation and clonal propagation to various stakeholders.


  • Resource assessment and sustainable management of important forest specie
  • Development of nursery and plantation techniques of important forest tree species
  • Research on seed collection, processing and storage of important forestry species
  • Phyto-chemical evaluation of NTFPs including medicinal plants for their sustainable utilization and income generation.
  • Development of appropriate cultivation and harvesting practices of important NTFPs for livelihood generation
  • Development of post harvest and value addition techniques of NTFPs

To conduct research, extension and education activities for enhancement of productivity of NWFP species and cash crops of forest origin.

Ongoing Project:

  • Field evaluation and domestication of high yielding cultivars of Withania somnifera Dunal among the rural people of Jharkhand and West Bengal – PI- Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Scientist-D; 3 yrs (2016 – 2019)

Facilities & Equipments

The division has the following infrastructure for rendering services to user industry and government, educational and non-government organizations:

  • Molecular Biology and Tree Physiology Laboratory equipped with modern tools.
  • Forest Chemistry Laboratory with facilities for oil and secondary metabolites estimation.
  • Aush Upvan: Regional Medicinal Plant Garden for Chotanagpur with > 300 species; included in Herbal Garden Network of India as second largest collection.
  • Mist propagation and hardening facilities
  • VMGs and Germplasm gardens of indigenous species.

The Division Team

Dr. Yogeswar Mishra, Scientist-G & Head

Shri. Ravi Shankar Prasad, CTO
Smt. Sumita Sircar, Assistant Chief Technical Officer

Shri. Rakesh Kumar Sinha, Technical Officer

Shri. Anirbon Roy, STO

Shri.K.L.De, Technical Officer

Shri.Amit Kumar Saha, Technical Officer

Shri.Mahesh Kumar, Technical Assistant

Shri.J.N.Mahata, MTS

Shri.Pawan Kumar Sinha, Technical Assistant

Shri.Prashant Kumar, Technical Assistant

Shri.Raju Sharma,Senior Technician

For further details please contact:

Dr.Yogeswar Mishra, Scientist-G & Head
Silviculture & Forest Management Division
ICFRE-Institute Of Forest Productivity
NH 23, Gumla Road, Lalgutwa, Ranchi-835303. (Jharkhand)
Phone: +91-651-2526148 (O) 7909065526 (M)