S.No Project Title Name of P.I
1 All Indian Coordinated Research Project on Casurina Dr. Yogeshwar Mishra, Scientist-G
2 All India Co-ordinated research projects on Bamboo Dr.Yogeshwar Mishra, Scientist-G
3 Genetic improvement of Eucalyptus. Sh. Aditya Kumar, Scientist-D
4 Assessment and monitoring of invasive alien plant species in India and the formulation of strategies  for management of key invasive alien plant species in different regions of the country Dr. Sharad Tiwari, Scientist-G
5 Quality teak production: Capitalizing on cloning Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist-E
6 All India Co-ordinated research projects on Dalbergia sissoo. Dr. Sharad Tiwari, Scientist-G
7 Valuation of forests for GDP, Green GDP, and Payment of eco-system goods and services. PP Dr. S. N. Mishra, CTO
8 Bio-prospecting for industrial utilization of lesser known forest plants. Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Scientist-E
9 Enhancement of fodder availability and quality to reduce unsustainable grazing in the forest Dr.Sharad Tiwari, Scientist-G
10 Preparation of forest soil Health Cards under different forest vegetation in all the Forest division of India. Project duration Dr. S. N. Mishra, CTO
11 Genetic Improvement and value addition of Madhuca longifolia. Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist-E
12 Combating desertification by enhancing vegetation cover and people livelihoods in degraded dry lands and deserts of India. Sh.Sanjeev Kumar, Scientist-E
13 Domestication, Genetic Characterization, Improvement and diversified Utilization of Poplars Aditya Kumar, Scientist-D
14 Genetic improvement of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist-E
15 Population status, collection, conservation, characterization, and evaluation of genetic resources of Indian Rosewood, Dalbergia latifolia. Sh. Aditya Kumar, Scientist-D
16 Sustainable management of NTFPs through conservation and value addition Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Scientist-E
17 Development of a package of practices on Gmelina arborea Roxb. (Khamer or Gamhar) in selected regions of India. Sh. Aditya Kumar, Scientist-D
18 Study of climate-driven effects on Indian Forests through long term monitoring. Dr. Nitin Kulkarni, Scientist-G
19 National Program for Conservation and Development of Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) Dr.Yogeshwar Mishra, Scientist-G
20 All India Co-ordinated research projects on Dalbergia sissoo. Dr. Sharad Tiwari, Scientist-G