Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi
Sl.No | Project Title | Project ID No | Name of P.I. | Project Duration | Total Budget as per project documents(In Lacs) | Funding Agency |
1. | Evaluation of Dalbergia sisoo Roxb. clones for suitability in large scale clonal forestry in Gangetic plains and Chotanagpur plateau |
Dr. Sanjay Singh, Sc. E, Forest Physiology & Molecular Biology Division | 2011-16 | 29.40 lakh | ICFRE | |
2. | Development of Agro-techniques for organic cultivation of Tribulus terresterisL. and Cissus quadrangularis L. medicinal plants extensively used in traditional system of medicine (Ayurved, Unani & Chinese) |
Dr. Malabika Ray, Sc. D, Forest Ecology & Land Management Division | 2013-16 | 10.18 lakh | ICFRE | |
3 | Standardization of suitable potting media and root trainers size for improved planting stock production of some mandate species of Jharkhand and southern West Bengal |
IFP-002/SLR-1 /2002-07 | Dr. P. K. Das | 2002 – 2007 | 4.50 | ICFRE |
4 | Trials on composting for specific forestation needs and development of cost-effective packages in relevance to Chhotanagpur plateau area and South West Bengal |
IFP-003/SLR-2/2004-07 | Dr. P. K. Das | 2004 - 2007 | 5.70 | ICFRE |
5 | Development of bio-fertilizers and standardization of their application in relation to productivity of forest tree species under degraded lateritic soil conditions |
IFP-004/SLR - 3/2002-06 | Dr. S. Nath | 2002 – 2006 | 5.15 | ICFRE |
6 | Multi-locational field trial of tissue culture raised plants of Dendrocalamus asper |
FP-005/ BGT - 1/2002-06 | Dr. Animesh Sinha | 2002 – 2006 | 6.70 | ICFRE |
7 | Genetic improvement of Eucalyptus through progeny trial and hybridization. |
IFP-006/BGT – 2/ 2002-07 | Sh. H.C.S. Virendra | 2002-2007 | 2.13 | ICFRE |
8 | Exploration of Lac cultivation on non-traditional host Flemingia sp. and its possibility in sustainable plantation forestry |
IFP-007/BGT - 3/2002-07 | Dr. B. N. Divakara | 2002 - 2007 | 3.02 | ICFRE |
9 | Development of bio-fertilizers in relation to productivity of important tree species |
IFP-010/FREEP/1994-2001 | Dr. S. Nath | 1994-2001 | 35.00 | ICFRE |
10 | Studies on bamboo cultivation in South Bihar and West Bengal with special reference to its vegetative propagation, nutrient cycling and performance |
IFP-011/FREEP/1993-2001 | Dr. S. Nath | 1993-2001 | 30.68 | ICFRE |
11 | Reclamation strategy for degraded lateritic soil and optimization of productivity |
IFP-012/FREEP/1994-2002 | Dr. S. Nath | 1994-2002 | 55.87 | ICFRE |
12 | Nutrient assessment for forest trees in relation to availability indices, critical levels and optimization of doses of nutrients element under lateritic soil conditions |
IFP-013/FREEP/1999-2002 | Dr. S. Nath | 1999-2002 | 75.00 | ICFRE |
13 | Provenance trials of Eucalyptus, neem, sissoo and Gamhar |
IFP-015/FREEP/1984-2002 | Dr. S. Nath | 1984-2002 | 36.00 30.17 (as per letter dated 4.11.2000 | ICFRE |
14 | Studies on variability of bamboo species, their performance, conservation and economics with reference to Bihar, Jharkhand & West Bengal |
IFP-016/SLR – 4 /2002-08 | Dr. S. Nath | 2002 - 2008 | 7.83 | ICFRE |
15 | Soil Vegetation interaction with special reference to nutrient cycling in some selected plantations under different edaphic conditions |
IFP-017/SLR – 5 /2002-05 | Dr. S. Nath | 2002 - 2005 | 8.76 | ICFRE |
16 | Creation of germ plasm resource bank of threatened medicinal plants of Darjeeling Himalayas |
IFP-018/EBC - 1/2003-08 | Sh. S. N. Mazumder, FRO | 2003-08 | 13.5 | ICFRE |
17 | Development of appropriate silvicultural systems for selected medicinal flora of Chotanagpur and Santhal Parganas |
IFP-022/FMS - 3/2003-09 | Dr. Malabika Ray Scientist D | 2003-09 | 12.77 | ICFRE |
18 | Development of agro-techniques for Gymnema sylvestre and Embelia ribes – having high marketing potential |
IFP-023/ERM - 1/2004-07 | Dr. Malabika Ray Scientist D |
2004 - 2007 | 5.25 | ICFRE |
19 | Establishment of progeny trial of Gmelina arborea
IFP-024/BGT - 5/2004-07 | Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist - C |
2004 - 2007 | 1.20 | ICFRE |
20 | Documentation of indigenous knowledge on conservation and sustainable management in Darjeeling Himalayas |
IFP-026/EBC - 2/2004-07 | Shri S. K. Pal, DCF | 2004 - 2007 | 1.70 | ICFRE |
21 | Vulnerability assessment of climate change and development of adaptation strategies to mitigate the impact on seed and biomass production in forest trees and herbs |
IFP-029/FMS – 4/2005-09 | Sh. H.C.S. Virendra, R.O. | 2005 -2009 | 7.05 | ICFRE |
22 | Creation of seed database on economic-ally important forestry species of Jharkhand, aiming at functioning of a forestry seed certification agency |
IFP-030/FMS – 5/2006-2011 | Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist - C | 2006 - 2011 | 12.35 | ICFRE |
23 | Species Suitability & Reclamation Strategy for Degraded Forest Soils of Chotanagpur Plateau, Jharkhand |
IFP-031/SLR – 7/2006-2011 | Dr. S. Nath, Scientist - E | 2006 - 2011 | 13.25 | ICFRE |
24 | Standardization of macro propagation techniques of Schleichera oleosa and their clonal fidelity studies |
IFP-032/BGT – 7/2006-2009 | Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist C | 2006 - 2009 | 10.00 | ICFRE |
25 | Improvement of clonal propagation techniques of bamboos and enhancement in field survival |
IFP-035/SLR – 8/2007-2011 | Dr. S. Nath, Scientist - E | 2007 - 2011 | 15.25 | ICFRE |
26 | Rooting and acclimatization of in vitro shoots of Schleichera oleosa |
IFP-036/BGT – 8/2007-2010 | Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist C | July, 2007 – Dec, 2009 | 7.75 | ICFRE |
27 | Study on floral biology, fruiting phenology and germination behaviour in Schleichera oleosa |
IFP-037/BGT – 9/2007-2010 | Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist C | 2007 - 2009 | 4.98 | ICFRE |
28 | Genetic Evaluation & Molecular Character-ization of Jatropha Curcas L. of eastern India |
IFP-038/BGT – 10/2007-2010 | Sh. Sanjeev Bhatia, Scientist - B |
2007 - 2010 | 16.99 | ICFRE |
29 | Assessment of the genetic diversity and development of species specific molecular markers in bamboos in Eastern India. |
IFP-039/BGT – 11/2007-2009 | Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist - D | 2007 - 2009 | 13.50 | ICFRE |
30 | Studies on collection, processing, sale and utilization of commercially important medicinal plants & NWFPs and their threat of extinction in tribal pockets of Jharkhand. |
IFP-040/EBC – 05/2008-2011 | Dr Malabika Ray, Scientist - D |
2008 - 2011 | 4.96 | ICFRE |
31 | Integrated strategy for evaluation of Indigenous fast-growing multipurpose trees of Eastern India for plantation forestry. |
IFP-041/FMS – 07/2008-2013 | Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist - D | 2008 - 2013 | 16.50 | ICFRE |
32 | Domestication, mass multiplication and popularization of Moringa oleifera genotypes with superior leaf nutritive and cytokinin content. |
IFP-042/FMS – 08/2008-2012 | Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist - D | 2008 - 2012 | 12.18 | ICFRE |
33 | Development of Dynamic Database for Forestry Discussion Forum. |
IFP-043/CD (IT) – 01/2008-2010 | Mrs. Ruby Kujur Scientist - B |
2008 - 2010 | 4.40 | ICFRE |
34 | Development of low-cost technique of enriched vermicompost for commercial production |
IFP-044/SLR – 09/2008-2011 | Dr. M.V. Durai Res. Officer |
2008 -2011 | 7.00 | ICFRE |
35 | Conservation of medicinal plants through commercial cultivation and value addition by Joint Forest Management Committees / panchayats and farmers in eastern Himalaya and its socio-economic impact. |
IFP-045/FMS – 09/2008-2012 | Sh. Sanjeev Bhatia, Scientist - B |
2008 -2012 | 12.15 | ICFRE |
36 | Studies on reproductive biology & propagation techniques of Scleichera oleosa Lour (oken) an oil bearing tree and important lac host plant. |
IFP-046/BGT – 12/2006-2010 | Dr. Animesh Sinha, Scientist C | 2006 - 2010 | 19.37 | ICFRE |
37 | Effect of potassium application on diseases and pests in Gmelina arborea Rox. grown under Chhotanagpur Plateau soils. |
IFP-049/SLR – 10/2009-2011 | Dr. S. Nath, Scientist - E | 2009 - 2011 | 16.72 | ICFRE |
38 | Standardization & dissemination of complete package of cultivation & marketing in relation to principle active in-gradient of ten selected medicinal plants of Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa. |
IFP-050/BGT – 13/2009-2013 | Sh. S. K. Bhatia, Scientist - B | 2009 - 2013 | 12.45 | ICFRE |
39 | Application of GIS for identification and monitoring of lac host belts in Chotanagpur area |
IFP-051/CD(IT) – 02/2009-2012 | Mrs. R. S. Kujur, Scientist - B | 2009 - 2012 | 11.60 | ICFRE |
40 | Effect of humic acid on rooting behaviour in selected tree species |
IFP-052/SLR – 11/2009-2011 | Dr. M.V. Durai Res. Officer |
2009 - 2011 | 9.33 | ICFRE |
41 | Selection and evaluation of potential seed sources and clones of selected species from Jharkhand and adjoining states. |
IFP-053/SLR – 12/2009-2013 | Dr. M.V. Durai Res. Officer |
2009 - 2013 | 17.04 | ICFRE |
42 | Selection and Improvement of Natural Dye Yielding Plants |
IFP-054/FMS – 11/2009-2013 | Sh. H.C.S. Virendra, SC-B | 2009 - 2013 | 8.60 | ICFRE |
43 | Ecological dynamics of vegetation structure and assessment of morphological adaptive variation to create baseline data in selected species in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary |
IFP-055/FMS – 12/2009-2012 | Sh. H.C.S. Virendra, SC-B | 2009 - 2012 | 8.89 | ICFRE |
44 | Studies on edible shoot production potential of selected indigenous and introduced bamboos in Jharkhand and enhancement of production period through cultural practices |
IFP-056/SLR – 13/2010-2013 | Dr. S. Nath, Scientist – F | 2010 -2013 | 14.35 | ICFRE |
45 | Study of various factors effecting the quantity of active principles in some commercially important medicinal plants under cultivation |
IFP-057/EBC – 07/2010-2013 | Dr. M. Ray, Scientist – D | 2010 - 2013 | 9.96 | ICFRE |
46 | Standardization of nursery techniques for cultivation of Celastrus paniculatus and Vitex peduncularis – medicinal plants highly exploited in Jharkhand |
IFP-058/EBC – 08/2010-2013 | Dr. M. Ray, Scientist – D | 2010 - 2013 | 5.70 | ICFRE |
47 | Assessment of variability and genetic fingerprinting in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre using microsatellite markers |
IFP-059/FMS – 13/2010-2014 | Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist – E | 2010 - 2014 | 26.09 | ICFRE |
48 | Protocol optimization for in vitro propagation and conservation of Embelia ribes Burm F. a vulnerable medicinal plant |
FP-060/BGT – 14/2010-2013 | Dr. Aminesh Sinha, Scientist – D | 2010 - 2013 | 10.70 | ICFRE |
49 | Studies on variability in rooting proficiency in selected genotypes of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre |
IFP-061/BGT – 15/ 2010-2012 | Dr. Aminesh Sinha, Scientist – D | 2010 - 2012 | 8.40 | ICFRE |
50 | Enhancement of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration potential of different land use in Jharkhand through Recommended Management Practices |
IFP-062/SLR – 14/2010-2013 | Dr. M.V.Durai, R.O | 2010 - 2013 | 11.99 | ICFRE |
51 | Evaluation of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Clones for suitability in large scale clonal forestry in Gangetic plains and Chotanagpur Plateau |
IFP-064/FMS – 14/ 2011-2016 | Dr. Sanjay Singh, SC - E | 2011 - 2016 | 29.40 | ICFRE |
52 | Introduction of selected genotypes of Karanj, Kusum and Bamboo as tree components in Agroforestry models in lateritic belt of eastern India. |
IFP-065/BGT – 17/ 2011-2015 | Dr. Animesh Sinha, SC- D | 2011 - 2016 | 15.88 | ICFRE |
53 | Studies on pollarding and propagation in Kusum (S. oleosa) for lac cultivation |
IFP-066/BGT – 18/ 2011-2015 | Dr. Animesh Sinha, SC- D | 2011 - 2015 | 10.88 | ICFRE |
54 | Multilocation Evaluation and studies on breeding system in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre |
IFP-067/BGT – 19/ 2011-2014 | Dr. B. N. Divakara, Scientist - C | 2011 - 2014 | 16.39 | ICFRE |
55 | Studies on nutrient management practices in Flemingia species for lac cultivation and promotion of rural livelihood. |
IFP-068/FP– 01/ 2011 -2014 | Dr. Arvind Kumar, SC – C | 2011 - 2014 | 14.04 | ICFRE |
56 | Survey and identification of insect pest associated with Dalbergia sissoo, Gmelina arborea and Shorea robusta of eastern states of India. |
IFP-069/FP– 02/ 2011-2014 | Dr. Arvind Kumar, SC – C | 2011 - 2014 | 14.038 | ICFRE |
57 | Standardization of propagation method and germplasm conservation of Machilus villosa (Roxb.) & Quercus ineate : promising timber & fuel wood of North West Bengal |
IFP-070/BGT – 20/ 2011-2014 | Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Scientist – C | 2011 - 2014 | 6.77 | ICFRE |
58 | Development of agro-techniques for organic cultivation of Tribulus terrestris L. and Cissus quadrangularis L.- medicinal plants extensively used in Traditional System of Medicine (Ayurveda, Unani and Chinese). |
IFP- 075/ EBC-09/ 2013-2016 | Dr. Malabika Ray, SC- D, | 2013 - 2016 | 11.78 | ICFRE |
59 | (English) Tree Borne Oil seeds (TBOs) in community lands for Improved Livelihoods of Vulnerable Groups of Jharkhand |
Dr. Animesh Sinha, SC-E, | 2012 -2017 | ICFRE | ||
60 | (English) Estimation of Soil Carbon stock in Dalma Sanctuary and Betla National Park in Jharkhand |
Dr.M.Ray,SC-D | 2017-2019 | 19.90 | ICFRE | |
61 | (English) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) marker discovery to resolve Bambusa tulda-longispiculata-nutans-teres complex in bamboo taxonomy. |
Dr.Sanjay Singh, Sc-F | 2016-2020 | 12.00 | ICFRE | |
62 | (English) Risk Assessment of Lantana camara using Spatial Distribution Modeling Approach in Latehar |
Dr. Sharad Tiwari, Scientist – F | 2016-2019 | 18.98 | ICFRE | |
63 | (English) Chemical and genetic diversity of Moringa oleifera for value addition in eastern India as food supplement. |
Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist - F | 2016-19 | 9.90 | ICF | |
64 | (English) Field evaluation and domestication of high yielding varieties of Withania somnifera Dunal among the rural people of Jharkhand and West Bengal |
Sanjeev Kumar, Scientist - E | 2016-2019 | 10.76 | ICFRE | |
65 | (English) Genetic evaluation and improvement of Flemingia semialata and Flemingia macrophylla used for lac cultivation in Jharkhand |
Sh. Aditya Kumar, Scientist-D | 2016-2019 | 12.62 | ICFRE | |
66 | (English) Standardization of clonal propagation technique for mass multiplication and ex situ conservation of Limonia assidisima |
Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist - F | 2017-2020 | 8.92 | ICFRE | |
67 | (English) Field evaluation and domestication of high yielding varieties of Withania somnifera Dunal among the rural people of Jharkhand. / IFP- 082/ S&NTFPM |
Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Scientist – D | 2016-2019 | 10.76 lakhs | ICFRE | |
68 | (English) Genetic evaluation and improvement of Flemingia semilata and Flemingia macrophylla used for lac cultivation in Jharkhand. |
Sh. Aditya Kumar, Sc.C | 2016-19 | 12.62 lakhs | ICFRE | |
69 | (English) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) marker discovery to resolve Bambusa tulda-longispiculata – nutans-teres complex in bamboo taxonomy. |
Dr. Sanjay Singh, SC-F | 2016-20 | 12.00 lakhs | ICFRE | |
70 | (English) Chemical and genetic diversity of Moringa oleifera for value addition in eastern India as food supplement. |
Dr. Sanjay Singh, SC-F | 2016-19 | 09.90 lakhs | ICFRE | |
71 | (English) Standardization of clonal propagation technique for mass multiplication and ex situ conservation of Limonia assidisima L. Khaitha) |
Sri R. S. Prasad /ACTO | 2017-20 | 08.92 lakhs | ||
72 | (English) Risk Assessment of Lantana camara using Spatial Distribution Modeling Approach in Latehar District. |
IFP-083/ A&Ext – 02 | Dr. Sharad Tiwari, Scientist – F | 2016-2019 | 18.98 |